5th Birthday and New Features

posted June 27, 2019

It was our 5th birthday last week and we are happy to announce some new features. Development has been slow. In retrospect this is a good thing for something that purports to be a standard. We didn't make any radical changes which kept the ecosystem stable. The community still exists due to many members contributing above and beyond. We extend thanks to people have written themes, parsers, converters, tools and services. The website will soon showcase the plethora of projects built around JSON Resume. The last year has been unstable when it came to the free hosting and themes server. Maintaining

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Theme Competition - Sponsored by Hired.com

posted November 9, 2014

JSON Resume helps people create a stylish resume without worrying about design and formatting. Changing the style of your resume can be done easily in a few seconds because all our themes obey the JSON Resume standard. <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <div class="theme"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-xs-6"> <a href="https://themes.jsonresume.org/theme/elegant"> <img style="border: 1px solid #ebebeb; border-radius: 4px; height: 129px;" src="/img/themes/elegant.jpeg">

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Announcing our first service integration

posted September 9, 2014

Since the inception of JSON Resume in July we have had a vast number of services reach out expressing their interest in supporting JSON Resume. One of those companies was called [Represent](https://represent.io), whose lead developer [Jordan Singer](https://twitter.com/jsngr) emailed me earlier this week announcing their integration. So far they have only added support for exporting to JSON Resume, but we hope that in the future users can simply upload their `resume.json` to the service instead of filling out their profile manually. You can see an example export at [https://represent.io/jordan.json](https://represent.io/jordan.json) We have also added an [Integrations](/integrations) page that we hope will fill up quickly. Make sure you

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First Official Release

posted July 31, 2014

It has been just over three weeks since JSON resume first went public, and we are proud to announce the first official version of the specification. After much consideration we decided to launch the first version as **0.0.0**, which assumes everything up until this point was conceptual, and thus no backwards compatibility has been built out. Unfortunately this means that if you created a resume before this release, most parts of the ecosystem will not work for you. Though there weren't too many changes so visit the [specification page](/specification) and update your `resume.json` accordingly. Make sure you reinstall the latest version of

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